Girls Guilty But Somehow Glorious

x habis lagi bace buku ni,baru tahun ni beli..entah ape lah cita ni..cite pasal ape??
korang pernah ke bace buku ni??alaa..aku rasa buku ni dh lame jual kot.yg tulis ni Sue Limb..
sape ntah..hehehe..harga die RM 38.90 sen je....mahal ke murah tu??hem~yelah,math aku ni kan teruk..dapat C plak tu..ah lantaklah..beli kat MPH..hah!cita ni pasal kawan baik..sbb aku tgk,
ade perkataan 'BEST FRIENDS FOREVER'...

aku baru chapter 12,muke surat,104...buku ni ade 312 muke surat...kalo korang nk cube beli,belilah.aku x larang pon.hehehe..harga die cume ade kat ats tu je..tengoklah,and belilah..

If You Could See Me Now

Everything in her life has its place.
Order and precision keep life under control-
and keep her heart safe from the pain she has suffered in the past.

Being a girl to her six years-old nephew is a full-time job for her,
and one that leaves little room for for error-or fun.